Specialities We Deal With

Our Specialty-focused Medical Billing serves over 75 specialties across nation regardless of your practice size and type.

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Urgent RCM

Urgent RCM takes pride in its expertise and proficiency in a variety of medical billing specialties, ensuring that healthcare providers have seamless financial workflows. We excel at navigating the complexities of each specialty’s coding, documentation, and billing requirements, allowing our clients to focus on providing excellent patient care. Whether it’s navigating the complexities of insurance claims or ensuring accurate reimbursement, Urgent RCM is dedicated to providing customized solutions that meet the specific needs of each medical specialty. Trust us to improve the efficiency of your revenue cycle, allowing you to focus on what really matters: providing exceptional healthcare services.


Let's keep in touch.

Whether you are a small practice looking to streamline your billing processes or a large hospital seeking to optimize your revenue cycle

Contact Us

Explore cutting-edge Revenue Cycle Services tailored to your healthcare needs

Address / Location

40 W 37th St, New York, NY 10018
200 N lllinois St, indianapolis, IN 46204
70 Southpark Dr Winnipeg, MB R3T 2M1, Canada

Phone Number

+1 (978)-709 1991

Email Address


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Get started today with Urgent RCM

Our team of experts can help you optimize your revenue cycle by identifying opportunities for revenue enhancement.
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Evaluate the Financial Health of Your Practice

Expert medical billing audit tailored to your practice.

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